Welcome to the Net Positive Consortium

Our Story

The world is a complex place with increased repercussions for how money is managed and spent, but that there is increasing opportunity for industry leaders to positively influence these outcomes in service of our clients and communities.

Inspired by the idea of creating a net positive movement in the wealth management industry after reading the book Net Positive: How Courageous Companies Thrive by Giving More Than They Take by authors Paul Polman and Andrew Winston, wealth management industry leaders got together to form the Net Positive Consortium in Wealth Management.

Today, the Net Positive Consortium in Wealth Management is proud to represent many forward-looking organizations from the RIA and wealth management industry, who support net positive related initiatives and pledges independently at their firms – and who want to make an even greater impact by joining together in a unique quest.

A net positive company “improves well-being for everyone it impacts and at all scales—every product, every operation, every region and country, and for every stakeholder, including employees, suppliers, communities, customers, and even future generations and the planet itself.”

Five Key Pillars

Our Pledge

  • We will be a net positive company, giving more to the world than we take.
  • We will be a stakeholder company committed to improving the well-being of everyone we impact, including our clients, employees, communities, business partners, industry, investors, future generations, and the planet.
  • We will share our learnings, best practices, and outcomes with the RIA profession and the wealth management ecosystem to inspire others to become net positive firms, as well.

Founding Member Firms

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)